
Especially at this time of year… “Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.” – Lao Tzu Love, Cristiana
Update your lenses!

“First you make your beliefs. Then your beliefs make you. And when you go out in the world, the world will support your beliefs.” – Marisa Peer All of us view the world through our own lenses, coloured by the experiences, meaning, and beliefs we’ve accumulated over the years. Update your lenses, change your beliefs. […]
Our attitude

“The entire outside world is based on your thoughts and mental attitude. The entire world is your own projection. Things outside neither bind nor liberate you; only your attitude towards them does that.” (Sri Swami Satchidananda) – The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Every day, Master the mind. Love, Cristiana
The best thing

The best thing in life, aren’t things. – John Ruskin Experiences, nature’s beauty, encounters, Life. Immerse yourself in them, savour them, treasure them. Those are the best “things”. Love, Cristiana

“Take responsibility for the energy that you bring” – Jill Bolte-Taylor It’s easy to blame things, people, places for things that happen to us or for where we find ourselves. But have you ever thought about “the energy that you bring”? Do you realize what a powerful influencer you are for what happens around you, […]

What are you broadcasting every day? How you think and how you feel broadcast an electromagnetic signature that influences your life. Ask yourself: What am I broadcasting every day? When we react in everyday life we experience emotions of stress (fear, anger, disappointment, worry…) which are addictive and cause us to feel separate from our […]

“We attract by virtue of how we feel. How happy am I? How happy can I be? How good can I feel? What is the best feeling thought that I can find right now? What’s working in my life? What’s working out? What do I remember that felt good? What’s happening right now that feels good? You can always find something […]
4 Virtues to Live by

I first heard of these when I watched “The Shift” with Wayne Dyer. These come from the teaching of Lao-tzu. I love them and they are a great reminder to live life by them. Four Virtues to Live by: Reverence for All Life This is really respect and unconditional love for all of creatures, starting […]
Happiness is available

Happiness is available… This month I practiced releasing everything and everyone and allowing myself to experience the innate feeling of wellbeing that is available to us. It takes practice, it takes patience and most of all awareness. Become aware, become present and help yourself to Happiness. 🙂 Love Cristiana
Be like Nature

Nature teaches us to relax, chill out, go with the flow. Spending time in nature helps us to slow down, reassess our priorities, focus and care more about how we feel and the quality of our lives. Go ahead, step outside, go for a walk in the forest, …swim in the river, …surf in the […]