The way to Freedom

Freedom in on the other side of discipline. – Jake Gyllenhaal Or as Aristotle said “Through discipline comes freedom.” Have you ever wanted to change something, start something, do something.. and never got round to it, or started but never finished, half tried but didn’t really put your energy in it, and kept it on […]
Get excited!

“Stop being afraid of what could go wrong, and start being excited of what could go right.” – Tony Robbins Beautifully simple and yet so hard to do at times. Use EFT/tapping to interrupt the negative thinking pattern, tap and neutralize the habit to focus on the worst-case scenario and then choose, focus and feel […]
A clean slate

Be vulnerable Love unconditionally Forgive Start every day with a clean slate None of these are easy tasks, but practice helps – like with everything. I am not saying I do all of these things every day, but I am working on it. One and four being the hardest for me in particular circumstances. […]
Lasting changes

At this time of year many people aim for changes, set intentions and are motivated to start a new project, eating habit, exercise regularly and other goals and resolution. It’s easy to start, but what makes real lasting changes? One of my favorite author, Dr Joe Dispenza, shares this key message: “To make real lasting […]

“Sometimes in life things aren’t going right, and you have to accept that, because that is when transformation can happen.” Acknowledge and feel what is happening, then… accept it. This is when the magic comes. Keep moving forward. Lots of Love, Cristiana

Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties. (Erich Fromm) Chose certainties and stay where you are, Let go of certainties and create your dreams. Dare to dream, let go of certainties, and open up to cretaivity. Lots of love Cristiana
Let it be

In times of trouble. Let it be. There will be in an asnwer. Let it be. (Paul Mc Cartney)
Make a choice, take a step.

“No one could make a choice without feeling afraid. It’s the law of life. No one can escape it. Even if someone never makes a decision, lacking the courage to change anything, because that in itself was a decision, a change, except without the benefit of the treasures hidden in the process.” […]
This is me

Whatever you have been through, whatever you are experiencing, remember you are a warrior, there is nothing you are not worthy of… Love, Cristiana
Be the example

Forgive the unforgivable Love the unlovable Show the way, give permission to others to do the same by your example. Be your best self. – Lisa Nichols Do something you’ve never done before, inspire by just being you. Love, Cristiana