Tap into your inner power and consciously
create the life you desire!

Advanced EFT (Tapping) practitioner
Creating inner power through heart and brain connection
InPower is the result of my passion for helping people discover their inner power.
My desire is to share techniques with people and help them move past obstacles both known and unknown. We live life based on beliefs that we learned when we were young and through significant experiences. Even if we consciously don’t realise it, they often are the silent break that stops us from creating the life we want.
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) together with my studies and research in neuroscience, heart coherence and epigenetics provide me the tools to help people discover and tackle hidden blocks and create total wellbeing.
Sessions available by appointment.

Emotional Freedom Technique
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), or Tapping, is a practice of energy psychology, which allows a release of emotional and physical distress by tapping on specific acupressure points.
EFT is a gentle and easy technique that can be used with anyone, including children. EFT successfully releases fear and phobias, physical symptoms, traumatic memories, chronic pain, feeling stuck, anxiety and more.
What I love about EFT is how gentle and simple it is, and how clients can learn the basic principles and start using it on themselves after the first session.
What happens in a session?
When we meet we’ll start by briefly discussing what you’d like to target first and your desired outcome.
Techniques vary depending on the issue or need. Clients can benefit from a series of sessions but you will also leave your first session with a tool to help yourself. Payment options include direct debit and cash. Credit cards are not accepted at this time.
Appointments in Auckland or via Skype/Zoom are available by appointment.

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