How often do you find yourself disappointed or sad that things did not go as you would like/plan?

How often do you go about your day feeling as if you are a victim of circumstances and events?

Most of us tend to behave and feel like we have no control, and then only express our disappointment at the end of the day or event.

But if only we’d ask for what we’d like…

So this is what I did today! I had to wait 6 hours at the airport for my next plane, so I asked “Dear universe could you please help me pass the time quickly and enjoyably?” And here I am at the gate with less than 10 minutes to go to boarding, and feeling like I have only been here an hour. The time just flew by! 🙂

Over to you now…

Today ASK for what you would like to happen, and have faith!

I usually ask the Universe, but you can chose to just direct your question out there.

– Could I please easily find a parking spot?/Dear Universe could you please help me easily find a car park?

– Could you please help me achieve a positive outcome in the upcoming meeting?

– Dear Universe please help me have a wonderful day today!

– Dear Universe please help me have a wonderful and restful sleep tonight.

– …

And then, before you go about your day, release your gratitude and say “thank you for helping” before the day starts/event happens. This puts you in a positive mood, in an “attitude of gratitude” and brings in the magic!






Advanced EFT (Tapping) practitioner

I will be back soon

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