At this time of year many people aim for changes, set intentions and are motivated to start a new project, eating habit, exercise regularly and other goals and resolution.

It’s easy to start, but what makes real lasting changes?

One of my favorite author, Dr Joe Dispenza, shares this key message:

“To make real lasting changes, you have to think greater than the way you feel”.

So when you feel stuck, down or you are starting to lose motivation to achieve your goal, remember this.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath and create in your body that feeling of having already achieved your goal. How great will it feel? See your vision, create that internal spark and expand it, add details.  Once you feel there, ask yourself, how will I think, how I will behave, how will I speak?

Start thinking greater than the way you were feeling and you will keep moving towards your goal.

Lots of love,





Advanced EFT (Tapping) practitioner

I will be back soon

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