Where are you heading?

Isn’t it easy to wake up and just let everything around us affect how we feel and what we do?

Remember our mind has incredible momentum (see blog post Is your mind a wild river?), and before you know it you haven’t had breakfast nor brushed your hair and half the day is gone!

So where are you heading? What are your aspirations? How can you get closer to your target?

·         First of all you need to be clear on what you want. Start by writing down one or two things that are really important to you and that you want to achieve in the next few months or year.

Your list might be much longer than one or two things but highlight the two you will focus on first.

·         Then you need to keep focused on them. How? Write them down and stick them around your house (Mirror in your bathroom? Kitchen wall? Blackboard? Next to your bed and of course your diary… etc). The more you see your targets the more you are likely to stay focused and head in the direction you want.

·         Next, wake up each morning and before you even leave your bedroom decide what you are going to do that will bring you closer to your aspirations. Might be a phone call you need to make? or organize a meeting with a supplier? doing your tax return? Or just sit down and figure out what is the next step. Whatever it is, take the time you deserve.

·         And finally keep track of your progress, give yourself 5-10 minutes every day to check where you are, give yourself credit for the things you have completed and plan ahead for what is coming next.

So…. do you have your course planned? What is it you are wanting to achieve? Write it down, list the steps you need to take, and check often that you are on course.

You are at the helm! 🙂

Good luck and remember to ask, reach out, and be kind to yourself. (see previous blog posts!)






Advanced EFT (Tapping) practitioner

I will be back soon

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